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Sweet Lullaby

Nombre de messages : 1076
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2008
Age : 39
Localisation : Val d'Oise

Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] Empty
MessageSujet: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyLun 5 Jan - 16:46

Le premier opus sorti depuis 48h à peine, Summit annonçait déjà très officiellement sur son site que l'adaptation du second tome se fera vraiment, donc nous serons amenés à remplir ce topic je l'espère très rapidement.

Voici donc ce que dit Summit :

Citation :
Los Angeles, CA November 22, 2008 — Summit Entertainment announced today that the studio is officially moving forward with the production of NEW MOON, the second installment of its filmed franchise TWILIGHT, the action-packed, modern day vampire love story. The movie will be based on the second novel in author Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series titled, New Moon. The first movie in the TWILIGHT franchise, the self-titled TWILIGHT, arrived in theaters this weekend to sold-out showings.

Stephenie Meyer stated, "I don't think any other author has had a more positive experience with the makers of her movie adaptation than I have had with Summit Entertainment. I'm thrilled to have the chance to work with them again on NEW MOON."

Starring Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, TWILIGHT tells the story of 17-year-old Bella Swan who moves to the small town of Forks, Washington to live with her father, and becomes drawn to Edward Cullen, a pale, mysterious classmate who seems determined to push her away. But neither can deny the attraction that pulls them together...even when Edward confides that he and his family are vampires. Their unorthodox romance puts her in physical danger when Edward's nemesis comes to town and sets his sights on Bella.

Source : http://www.summit-ent.com/

Nous avons déjà quelques infos sur les lieux du tournage : Arrow

Par ailleurs, ce ne sera pas Catherine Hardwicke qui réalisera ce film mais Chris Weitz comme SMeyer l'a annoncé sur son site officiel :

Citation :
Hey guys,

There's been a lot of worry and speculation on the boards lately, and I want to let you know what's going on.

First of all, like you, I'm sad that Catherine is not continuing on with us for New Moon. I'm going to miss her, not just as a brilliant director, but also as a friend. She has such a distinct, authentic voice that did amazing things for Twilight. I'm looking forward to every movie she does in the future.

And she didn't leave us empty handed. We still get the benefits of her amazing casting and the beautiful visual world she created. This foundation puts us in a good place for New Moon.

Summit Films is moving forward with a new director for New Moon. They've asked Chris Weitz, director of American Pie, About a Boy, and The Golden Compass, to join us, and I am very pleased to announce that he's agreed to be a part of our Twilight world. I've had the chance to talk to Chris, and I can tell you that he is excited by the story and eager to keep the movie as close to the book as possible. He is also very aware of you, the fans, and wants to keep you all extremely happy. (Torches and pitchforks are not going to be necessary.)

I'm excited to work with Chris and I think he brings a lot to the table, not the least of which for me is that he wrote the screenplay for and directed one of my favorite movies of all time, About a Boy. I'm really looking forward to seeing his vision for New Moon.

Below is a letter from Chris to you. I think you'll get a glimpse in this note of how cool it's going to be having Chris as part of our community.

One more thing, unrelated but fun: I finally got around to posting a few pictures from the premiere on the Twilight movie page.


Cette info a d'ailleurs été relayée par la newsletter Summit :

Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] Chrisweitzletter

Je ne suis pas vraiment déçue d'apprendre que ça ne sera pas Catherine Hardwicke qui réalisera NM. Je n'ai pas été déçue par le premier opus mais j'ai eu l'impression qu'elle aurait pu faire mieux. Catherine Hardwicke est très douée dès qu'il s'agit de donner du rythme à l'histoire et pour montrer des scènes d'action, mais son grand point faible dans le film ça a été les scènes tournées autour des émotions et de la relation E/B. Or justement dans NM, si on loupe l'aspect émotionnel, on passe à côté de l'histoire.

Catherine Hardwicke avait deux acteurs extras, avec une alchimie incroyable. Elle ne les a pas assez mis en valeur je trouve. Donc espérons que Chris Weitz ne commette pas la même erreur.

Par ailleurs, le site http://www.bellaandedward.com/ a annoncé début décembre que New Moon et Eclispe seront tournés ensemble dès le mois de mars 2009 afin d'éviter que Rob change trop d'apparence (ce qui serait effectivement embêtant étant donné qu'il est sensé avoir 17 ans pour l'éternité lol! ). Pas d'annonces concernant une éventuelle adaptation de Breaking Dawn en revanche et Rob et Kristen n'ont pour l'instant signé que pour trois films, pas quatre.

Nous avons également d'autres infos sur le travail de pré-production actuellement en cours :

Citation :
Summit Entertainment has tentatively slated Nov. 20, 2009, as the release date for New Moon, the Twilight sequel, which means any director
who signs on to replace Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke has to be in Vancouver by Dec. 15 to begin 12 weeks of preproduction before a mid-March start date. Reports have speculated that Hardwicke was fired for being difficult on set, but sources close to her suggest Summit's aggressive production schedule turned her off. "She'd love to do the sequel if she could do it better than Twilight,” says one. “It ­became clear that Summit didn’t have those same priorities."

Indeed, at press time the second movie appeared to have ­little more than a rough first-draft working script. As Summit’s production president Erik Feig told EW during Twilight’s ­record-busting first weekend, “There is that first...script. All the finesse that turns a screenplay into a movie hasn’t ­happened yet.” Two weeks later, Summit is saying it’s happy with screenwriter ­Melissa Rosenberg’s progress.<

Another of Hardwicke’s primary concerns was that hunky vampire Edward remains MIA throughout New Moon’s middle portion. In her own opening-weekend interview, she told EW, “You have to get the chemistry as strong ­between Jacob and Bella as it was between Bella and Edward. You also have to do ­some­thing with that arc: She’s in love with somebody, he disappears, she falls in love with someone else, and the first guy comes back. Movies like Pearl Harbor have tried it. It absolutely didn’t work.”

With or without Hardwicke, Summit ­faces other snags. Two sources tell EW the studio doesn’t want to rehire baby-faced Taylor Lautner (pictured) as Jacob, though Lautner’s agent has apparently reached out to the ­imaging company behind The Curious Case of Benjamin Button in an attempt to demonstrate to Summit how a digitally bulked-up Lautner could work. (Summit says it won’t make a decision until a new filmmaker is on board.) There’s also the matter of finding a cast of Native American actors to play Jacob’s werewolf clan — a difficult challenge Hardwicke was also faced with before ­settling on Lautner, who isn’t completely ­Native American. And with a slightly increased budget of $50 million — much of which is ­assumed will go to leads asking for heftier paydays, location shoots in Italy, and ramped-up F/X — Summit will have to scrimp somewhere.

So what director would want to take on such a big headache? Well, at press time, an offer was out to Chris Weitz (The Golden Compass), who put Summit on the map years ago when its foreign sales operation made tons of cash off of his first film, American Pie. (One source says Weitz has already had conversations with below-the-line crew for New Moon.) “We are in a recession,” ­reminds one Hollywood insider. “It’s a hit franchise. Whoever steps into it is guaranteed a $100 million gross. Everyone wants this movie.” Adds an exec at another studio, “You’d have to have a very high standard for art, hate the movie business, and hate ­money to walk off this sequel.

Source: hollywoodinsider.ew.com/2008/12/twilight-sequel.html

Alors si je comprends bien :
- Melissa Rosenberg reste la scénariste sur le projet (ça m'inquiète, je trouve que certains des choix qu'elle a faits pour Twilight n'étaient pas très heureux, notamment pour les dialogues E/B)
- Ils ne savent pas s'ils vont demander à Taylor Lautner de jouer Jacob... Je ne l'aime pas particulièrement, je ne suis pas fan de Jacob, mais ça me ferait bizarre de changer d'acteur en cours de route
- Ils n'ont que 50 millions de dollars de budget ? Avec les scènes de loups-garous et Volterra ?

Ca m'inquiète, ça m'inquiète vraiment...

Cela dit, je suis quand même très très impatiente et je n'aurais qu'un mot qui résumera mon état d'esprit : Volterra ! Volterra ! Volterra ! cheers

Et je garde le meilleur pour la fin : la date de sortie prévue aux USA est fixée au 20 novembre 2009. cheers

Dernière édition par Doddy le Ven 24 Juil - 22:03, édité 1 fois
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Sweet Lullaby

Nombre de messages : 1076
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2008
Age : 39
Localisation : Val d'Oise

Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyMer 21 Jan - 2:13

Nous avons une interview d'Edi Gathegi qui interprète le rôle de Laurent.

Voici la vidéo : Arrow

Et voici l'article associé :

Citation :
SANTA MONICA, California — When last we saw "Twilight" vampire Laurent, he had aided the Cullens, turned his back on his fellow nomads and vanished into the woods of Forks.

Now, with a new director and a much-anticipated sequel just weeks away from filming, Edi Gathegi is eager to channel his character's evil side — and find true love in the process.

"It was a tiny little independent film — did moderately well in the box office," Gathegi laughed when he stopped by the MTV News studios for an exclusive interview to discuss "New Moon" and his latest movie, "My Bloody Valentine 3-D." Asked how his life has changed in the seven weeks since the vampire flick's record-breaking opening weekend, he grinned and said: "I've gotten a lot of MySpace requests."

Gathegi has also been spending a lot of time on YouTube and is particularly fond of a fan-made video that uses footage from various movies to continue Laurent's journey. "Yeah, I saw that," Gathegi said. "These fans are so passionate that they will spend time in their homes, editing splices together, because they're so in love with the story."

And, speaking of love, any good Twilighter knows that in "New Moon," Laurent meets Irina, a Denali sister whose actions will impact the future movies. That YouTube video casts "Tristan + Isolde" beauty Sophia Myles as Irina — a choice that would greatly please Gathegi.

"She's a good choice. I could be happy with that," he said of the 28-year-old Brit. "I like her work. ... Now I'm not going to be able to get her out of my mind for that character."

Of the soon-to-be-cast role, Gathegi said Irina should be "extremely vulnerable, as I think that's what leads her to make the choices that she makes. She should also be hard-headed. Vulnerable and hard-headed. But I think those are things that a good actress can do, so type-wise, I don't even know. I don't even think people saw me as Laurent for a while. So just let the best actress win, I say."

Speaking about his castmates, with whom he'll soon be reuniting, Gathegi said, "It's a 'Twilight' family. We were together for press junkets and tours, and this has been eight months together, ever since we shot in March. We've just been with each other constantly. And then we're going to go into the next one, and then they're going to do [parts] three and four, God willing. These are, like, lifelong friends at this point."

Just moments before the interview, Gathegi's phone went off. When the actor started laughing and showed us the caller ID, we saw that it was the one-and-only Taylor Lautner on the other end. "Taylor and I are going to his parents' place for dinner tonight — and then go to the gym," he said, adding that the duo were getting together to celebrate Lautner's recent re-signing as Jacob Black. "We're going to celebrate tonight. ... You should see this kid! He's jacked. He's taking it seriously.

"We've worked out in every city on our tour," Edi said of his 16-year-old spotter. "If you see him, you'll know immediately. This kid is so strong right now, it is unreal. He has achieved with his body what people with steroids cannot achieve. The only way I can describe it is that God has given him this time for this growth spurt and this body right now."

As for the rest of Laurent's "New Moon" arc, Gathegi said he's looking forward to "being fully bad. Not just halfway bad. I like the transition from being conscious and compassionate, to ['New Moon' when Laurent realizes] that's too difficult. I've got to be a vampire."

Commenting on the directorial musical chairs, Gathegi said he has yet to meet the new man in charge of the series, Chris Weitz. "Catherine [Hardwicke] was a doll. I loved that woman. I think she made the decisions she made for her reasons," he said. "Now I'm looking forward to the future. I'm looking forward to working with Chris. I think he's very capable. He's got that experience with huge pictures, with 'The Golden Compass.' He's going to make it beautiful. I loved 'American Pie,' so his track record is very promising for me. And I heard he's great with actors. I think 'New Moon' is going to be really good. ... He's up to his neck in things to do, so he's not concerned with [meeting with the returning actors yet]. We'll meet on set."

As for the moment, Gathegi said only half-jokingly, he's just trying to get a script to read. "I'm going to fire someone, because Robert [Pattinson] read it. He's like a supporting role in the freakin' film!" the actor smiled, threatening to call Mr. Pattinson on his cell phone. "Nah, he's in London now. I don't want to make any long-distance calls. I'm cheap."
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Sweet Lullaby

Nombre de messages : 1076
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2008
Age : 39
Localisation : Val d'Oise

Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyJeu 22 Jan - 12:31

Nouvelle info toute fraîche qui date de cette nuit... Une actrice de 15 s'est vue proposer le rôle de Jane :

Citation :
Dakota Fanning...with fangs?

It's possible. I can exclusively report that the 14-year-old child star—she turns 15 on Feb. 23—is in talks to play Jane opposite Robert Pattinson & Co. in New Moon, the upcoming sequel to box office megahit Twilight.

“There were no auditions,” a source reveals. “They just offered it to her outright, and now they’re in negotiations. They’ve been going back and forth.”

Jane is a member of Italy’s Volturi, the most deadly group of bloodsucking killers in author Stephenie Meyer’s best-selling series.

In the casting notice we got our hands on earlier this month, Jane is described as a petite blonde with a “Botticelli angel-like face…[and] crimson irises.” While fellow Volturi guards Demetri & Felix “are three times the size of her, they are terrified of her,” the casting notice reads.

Coincidentally (or maybe not), an online petition started by a Twilight fan already asks the studio, Summit Entertainment, to cast Fanning because she would be “perfect” for the role.

Early last month, Entertainment Weekly suggested Pushing Daisies star and Broadway diva Kristin Chenoweth. “Her voice is certainly high enough, and at 4'11'', she's also short enough,” writer Amy Wilkinson proposed.

Director Chris Weitz is expected to start shooting New Moon in March in the U.S. and Italy. If all goes as planned, the movie will hit theaters on Nov. 20.

Is Fanning right for Jane? We’re sure Twilight fans have plenty to say about it.

Source : Arrow

Et voilà à quoi ressemble la demoiselle en question :

Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] Dakota10

Physiquement, je trouve qu'elle correspond assez bien. Reste à savoir si elle joue bien, c'est la première fois que j'entends parler de cette actrice. Wait & See.
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Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyJeu 22 Jan - 13:04

J'ai vu quelques films avec Dakota Fanning et je dois dire que je l'ai trouvé à chaque fois très convaincante.... Notamment dans Hide ans Seek, où elle joue aux côtés de Robert de Niro, et où elle plutôt flippante affraid affraid
A mon avis, elle serait parfaite dans le rôle de Jane Very Happy
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Sweet Lullaby

Nombre de messages : 1076
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2008
Age : 39
Localisation : Val d'Oise

Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyJeu 22 Jan - 13:26

Oui à mon avis elle peut tout à fait prendre l'air de peste sadique de Jane quand elle torture Edward... Angry
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Dazzling Look

Nombre de messages : 659
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2009
Age : 29
Localisation : in the clearing, in Forks, with my husband Edward

Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyJeu 22 Jan - 13:46

Merci pour l'info Doddy ! Very Happy

C'est vrai qu'elle pourrait bien faire Jane cette petite Dakota ! Wink
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Dazzling Look

Nombre de messages : 660
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2009
Age : 41
Localisation : In my happy dreams

Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyJeu 22 Jan - 16:11

C'est vrai que dans Hide and seek, elle faisait peur ! Et elle a joué dans la guerre des mondes ( là c'est pas vraiment elle qui faisait peur lol! ). En tous cas, elle m'a l'air de savoir très bien jouer et son physique correspond à l'idée que je me faisais de Jane. Il n'y a plus qu'à la voir à l'oeuvre.
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Guardian Angel

Nombre de messages : 768
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2008
Age : 44
Localisation : In a meadow

Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyJeu 22 Jan - 20:54

affraid Waow! Elle a bien grandi la petite Smile
Je pense qu'elle serait très bien pour le rôle de Jane cheers Physiquement, elle correspond parfaitement et c'est une jeune actrice pleine de talent!
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Exhilarating Run

Nombre de messages : 332
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2009
Age : 40
Localisation : in a cottage...

Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyJeu 22 Jan - 21:05

Merci pour l'info ! Very Happy
Perso, je trouve aussi qu'elle convient plutôt bien à ce que j'avais imaginé !
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Sweet Lullaby

Nombre de messages : 1076
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2008
Age : 39
Localisation : Val d'Oise

Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyJeu 22 Jan - 21:19

Kristen Stewart parle de Taylor Lautner, annonçant qu'elle est ravie qu'il fasse toujours partie du cast pour NM et Eclipse et qu'elle ne comprend vraiment pas pourquoi les délibérations ont été si longues à ce sujet...

Citation :
PARK CITY, Utah — Whether you're a Twilighter or completely uninitiated into the world of the fanpires, you likely know that 18-year-old Kristen Stewart is a fast-rising actress, as proud of her indie films as she is for breaking through as Bella Swan. On Monday, she blew into Sundance to premiere her buzz-heavy movie "Adventureland" — and dodge a few paparazzi along the way.
But you didn't think we'd let her escape without answering some "New Moon" questions, did you?

"I'm really excited," she beamed, happily offering some of her first public comments about the big-budget "Twilight" sequel since a number of controversies have simmered, boiled and then been resolved over the past few weeks.

Regardless of her excitement, however, the always-frank Stewart admitted that the film's fast turnaround, higher visibility and directorial change still needs to serve as a caution to the "Twilight" crew. "It's such a machine now. All of a sudden, this movie has become [something bigger]," she explained. "With all the expectations — usually, you make a movie and think, 'If it touches people, great; if it doesn't, then you move on to the next one, and no one's personally affected by it.' [But] everyone's really sensitive with any changes right now.

"Everyone needs to be on the same page to make the same movie [as the original 'Twilight' was]," she said of the upcoming "New Moon" shoot. "Or else it will be a very disoriented project."

One of the most dangerous changes in the eyes of many fans has been the swapping of directors, from Catherine Hardwicke to "The Golden Compass" director Chris Weitz. Stewart, however, is one of the few actors from the film who has actually met with Weitz, and she told us that her fears have been put to rest.

"Chris is — on top of him being a really sweet guy — he is entirely devoted," she explained. "And he's very clearly not doing the movie just because it's the next big thing. He really likes it a lot."

Another concern in Stewart's mind over the past few weeks had been which actor will play the pivotal role of Jacob Black — and whether she and this mystery man would be able to establish the same sort of chemistry that she had with Robert Pattinson in "Twilight." Now that Taylor Lautner has been re-cast in the role, however, she's convinced that they can make it work.

"Yeah, absolutely," Stewart said. "I'm so glad they didn't have to find somebody else; we already had him! I didn't understand all the deliberation on [whether to bring him back]. But now that it's set, we can all rest.

"He's really buff!" she exclaimed of Lautner, who's packed on nearly 30 pounds of muscle so far to prepare for Jacob's werewolf growth spurt. "He definitely is. It took him a lot of time."

And although she may be with Jacob for much of the upcoming film, Bella could never forget her Edward. So, appropriately enough, the famous-since-she-was-12 actress was also eager to heap some praise on Robert Pattinson — who has spent the past three months dealing with an onslaught of paparazzi, wild fans and rapidly increasing fame unlike anything Hollywood has seen in quite some time.

"I think he's OK," KStew said of RPattz. "He's back in London now, which makes it easier for him. It's funny. It only affects you when you come to something like [Sundance]. And then, other than that, he's totally the same guy he always was."
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Sweet Lullaby

Nombre de messages : 1076
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2008
Age : 39
Localisation : Val d'Oise

Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyDim 25 Jan - 23:33

Chris Weitz parle de NM, notamment de Taylor Lautner :

Citation :
New Moon, due Nov. 20 and based on the second volume of the Twilight saga, expands upon a supernatural love triangle. While vampire Edward (Rob Pattinson) runs away to Italy to keep his mortal teen queen Bella (Kristen Stewart) out of danger from others of his kind, she makes time with the less-complicated Jacob (Taylor Lautner) as he finally reveals his hairier, scarier side.

Director Chris Weitz (The Golden Compass) picks up where Twilight's Catherine Hardwicke left off on the production that starts shooting March 23. One of his first tasks on the sequel was deciding to keep Lautner, whose gangly Native American high-schooler in the first film transforms into a hulking giant over the course of the book series as he fulfills his tribe's destiny.

"Taylor is a formidable guy, kind of a great tool in the toolbox," Weitz says of the nearly 17-year-old actor who has been working out daily and has packed on 29 pounds, most of it muscle. "In the first movie, we did not see or recognize how dangerous a character he could be."

As for Taylor himself, "he can kill me with his left pinky. But he is too nice to do that. There is something compelling and sexy about him. He captures the spirit of Jacob."

Grounded in 'real world'

The backdrop of the Twilight books might be a gothic fantasy, but the filmmaker sees his characters as expressions of emotional attitudes shared by young people. "One of the great things of Stephenie Meyer's novels is that she keeps them very grounded in the real world," Weitz says.

"The vampires are about distance and reserve," he says about the contrast between his male leads. "Edward represses his desire to do harm. Jacob is very warm and emotional, but also feels the heat of anger. When he transforms, it's like losing your temper — sudden, explosive and lightning-quick."
Where Bella is concerned, he adds, "Edward represents the unattainable perfection of first love. Jacob is friendship."

La fille qui ne supporte pas le triangle amoureux de NM et Eclipse que je suis est ravie de la dernière phrase mais la fan de la saga que je suis également est tout de même un peu inquiète car SMeyer a bien précisé que Bella tombe bel et bien amoureuse de Jacob pendant NM (même si ce n'est pas le même amour aveugle qu'elle voue à Edward...)

Citation :
While vampire Edward (Rob Pattinson) runs away to Italy to keep his mortal teen queen Bella (Kristen Stewart) out of danger from others of his kind
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?????????????? affraid affraid affraid affraid affraid

Chris Weitz a-t-il lu le livre ????????

Melissa Rosenberg, qu'est-ce que tu écris comme bêtises dans ton scénario ??????????????

Au secours... No
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Exhilarating Run

Nombre de messages : 332
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2009
Age : 40
Localisation : in a cottage...

Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyLun 26 Jan - 0:46

Oula, c'est un peu inquiétant tout ça... affraid pale
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MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyLun 26 Jan - 11:10

Oulaaa, il faudrait peut être proposer à Miss Rosenberg une relecture du livre avec explication de texte ? scratch affraid
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Dazzling Look

Nombre de messages : 660
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2009
Age : 41
Localisation : In my happy dreams

Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyLun 26 Jan - 16:12

[mode inspirée d'un trailer mal doublé] Elle me fout officiellement la trouille cette nouvelle [/mode inspirée d'un trailer mal doublé]
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Sweet Lullaby

Nombre de messages : 1076
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2008
Age : 39
Localisation : Val d'Oise

Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyMar 3 Fév - 22:42

Excellente nouvelle !!!! Le tournage des scènes de Volterra qui devaient être tournées à Rome seront apparemment filmées à Volterra même. Summit aurait obtenu l'autorisation :

Citation :
"Twilight" sequel "New Moon" has landed its first overseas sale to Italy, where the Chris Weitz-helmed vampire romancer is partly set and will briefly shoot in May.

Eagle Pictures, which released "Twilight" on Italo screens, announced on Tuesday it has re-upped with Summit Ent. for the sequel, specifying that "New Moon" will shoot in the ancient Tuscan city of Volterra in May for two weeks.

In Stephenie Meyer's bestselling "New Moon" tome, Volterra is the town where the powerful Volturi vampire coven reside. Dakota Fanning is reportedly in talks to play a teen Volturi vamp, while "Twilight" stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are on board.

Shooting on "New Moon" will start in Vancouver in March.

Eagle Pictures, which is owned by Tunisian mogul Tarak Ben Ammar and has close ties with Summit, announced that "New Moon" will be released in Italy on Nov. 20, day-and-date with its Stateside release.

"With 'New Moon' we have acquired the most highly anticipated picture of 2009," boasted Eagle Pictures managing director Mark Lombardo in a statement. "Now our challenge is beat the record set by 'Twilight'."

"Twilight" grossed $15 million in Italy, making it the country's ninth top-grosser in 2008, right after "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" and ahead of Matteo Garrone's "Gomorrah."

Source : Arrow

C'est vraiment génial, j'ai quelques photos de Volterra sur mon disque dur et c'est vraiment une cité magnifique !!! j'imagine déjà la Porsche d'Alice débouler à toute allure dans les ruelles !!!! cheers

Bon sang, le tournage commence dans un mois !!! Ca passe si vite !!!! Bientôt nous aurons de nouvelles photos !!!! Et dans 4-5 mois un nouveau trailer peut-être !!!!!!!!!! bounce
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Dazzling Look

Nombre de messages : 660
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2009
Age : 41
Localisation : In my happy dreams

Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyMar 3 Fév - 22:49

C'est une excellente nouvelle ça ! Merci Doddy !

Et je crois que d'ici un mois, quand le tournage va commencer, tous les yeux vont se tourner vers notre dealeuse officielle dans l'attente de photos du tournage et d'encore plus d'infos exclusives Wink
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Sweet Lullaby

Nombre de messages : 1076
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2008
Age : 39
Localisation : Val d'Oise

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MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyMar 3 Fév - 22:51

Ah ah !! Very Happy tu n'imagines pas à quel point ça me manque, là je m'ennuie il n'y a quasiment rien de neuf à vous raconter !!! Vivement le tournage !! Et avec toutes les TwiMoms qui vont se déplacer pour aller voir l'équipe du film en plein travail, on va en avoir des images !!! Very Happy
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Nombre de messages : 817
Date d'inscription : 20/01/2009
Age : 34
Localisation : In my dreams

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MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyMar 3 Fév - 23:12

Youhou plus que 290 jours avant la sortie du film Exclamation cheers

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Exhilarating Run

Nombre de messages : 332
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2009
Age : 40
Localisation : in a cottage...

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MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyMer 4 Fév - 13:39

Super nouvelle ! Merci Doddy ! cheers

Ah que j'ai hâte d'avoir les premières photos du tournage ! Razz
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Dazzling Look

Nombre de messages : 659
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2009
Age : 29
Localisation : in the clearing, in Forks, with my husband Edward

Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyMer 4 Fév - 16:51

Merci pour cette nouvelle encourageante Doddy ! Very Happy

Je plussoie : j'ai hâte de voir les premières photos du tournage ! bounce bounce
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Sweet Lullaby

Nombre de messages : 1076
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2008
Age : 39
Localisation : Val d'Oise

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MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyMer 4 Fév - 22:59

J'ai quelques infos sur le script si ça vous intéresse :

Citation :
Good news for Twi-hards; judging by the tips “Twilight” stars Ashley Greene and Kellen Lutz shared with Access Hollywood about “New Moon” on Thursday night, it sounds like the second installment in the series will remain faithful to Stephenie Meyer’s book.

“I can tell you there’s a yellow Porsche,” Greene revealed at the premiere of Dakota Fanning’s “Push,” confirming that the vehicle, which plays a special role in the “New Moon” book, will be in the movie.

“I can tell you there’s werewolves,” she added coyly. “I think (the details of ‘New Moon’ script are) kind of highly under wraps.”

Good news for Twi-hards; judging by the tips “Twilight” stars Ashley Greene and Kellen Lutz shared with Access Hollywood about “New Moon” on Thursday night, it sounds like the second installment in the series will remain faithful to Stephenie Meyer’s book.

“I can tell you there’s a yellow Porsche,” Greene revealed at the premiere of Dakota Fanning’s “Push,” confirming that the vehicle, which plays a special role in the “New Moon” book, will be in the movie.

“I can tell you there’s werewolves,” she added coyly. “I think (the details of ‘New Moon’ script are) kind of highly under wraps.”

Source : Arrow
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Exhilarating Run

Nombre de messages : 332
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2009
Age : 40
Localisation : in a cottage...

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MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyJeu 5 Fév - 0:42

J'ai hâte de voir la Porsche d'Alice ! Doddy
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First Hunt

Nombre de messages : 32
Date d'inscription : 08/02/2009
Age : 37

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MessageSujet: mince...   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyLun 9 Fév - 12:26

....C' est trop domage je ne comprend pas un mot d'anglais Embarassed ...

Enfin j'essaye de dégoter un maximum d'info sur New moon mais j'avoue tout ca me laisse perplexe...Nouvel acteur pour interpréter Jacob??? Et puis comme beaucoup j'apréhende les loups Bon dieu qu'ils ne gachent pas tout en nous les foirant !!! J'ai réussi a voir quelques passages du film et la scene ou Bella saute de la fameuse falaise devrait être magnifique !!! De toute fasson l'histoire en elle même l'est déja...

Le premier opus ma sacrément retourné j'ai bien peur du deuxieme vu la tournure des choses d'autant plus avec une actrice comme Kristen qui a mon avis va sacrément nous affecter pendant toute cette phase ou notre pauvre Bella est complètement en train de mourir de l'intérieur (rien que d'y pensser Sad )

Je m'impatiente de trop quand a la sortie du film...elle me parait trop loin !!!
Doddy ! Va t'il falloir attendre autant de temps entre chaque sortie???? Crying or Very sad
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Exhilarating Run

Nombre de messages : 332
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2009
Age : 40
Localisation : in a cottage...

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MessageSujet: Re: Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS]   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyLun 9 Fév - 12:29

Nais, Taylor Lautner va continuer à incarner Jacob dans New Moon ! Wink Il avait bien été question de le remplacer à un moment, mais finalement, il conserve son rôle !
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First Hunt

Nombre de messages : 32
Date d'inscription : 08/02/2009
Age : 37

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MessageSujet: Ca c'est une bonne nouvelle !!!   Infos sur le film [ATTENTION SPOILERS] EmptyLun 9 Fév - 12:51

Merci pour l'info Brinie !!!

Ca me fait un soulagement !!! Non pas que Jacob soit mon petit favori ( parce que: Team ) mais s'il y'a bien une chose dont j'ai horreur surtout quand je suis aussi fana d un film c'est qu'on change un acteur pour un même personage même s'il y'a des raisons que je peux comprendre...

Bon ben impecable alors !!!! Very Happy
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